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A little grown and much enderrated species which grows and flowers a little later than some and has blush pink flowers.
A trifoliate plant with large deep green leaves and three-petalled white flowers in spring.
A good species for the beginner with attractive foliage and rich green sessile flowers.
Price: £7.00
Variable spotting on the petals of this very dwarf form.
Price: £7.50
A super species with usual deep green foliage and rich red flowers in spring.
Price: £7.50
A robust species with attractive marbled foliage and red to orange sessile flowers in spring.
Price: £7.50
A rarely offered species with reddish sessile flowers and marbled foliage. Tolerates normal soils.
Price: £7.50
A seldom seen species with mild mottling and flowers of a deep reddish colour, the petals twisted.
Price: £7.50
Open pollinated plants producing a mixed bag of colours etc from pedicellate plants.
Price: £8.00
An attractive species with narrow leaflets and equally narrow petals on the flowers and black berries.
Price: £8.00
Rich green radiate leaves on stems to 40cms high with us. Greenish flowers and bluish fruit.
Price: £8.00
A dwarf amongst the genus reaching around 20 cms high with slender stems and white flowers ageing pink.
Price: £8.00
An unusual species with leaflets having petioles and flower sepals recurving strongly downwards.
Price: £8.00
A large species reaching up to 45 cms and occasionally to 60 cms with deep red flowers.
Price: £8.50
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 30 cms high or so. Clumps up quickly in good soils.
Price: £8.50
A smaller sessile type Trillium with strongly marked foliage and flowers of a green to yellow colour.
Price: £8.50
One of the largest of the pedicel trilliums. Large in stature and in flower which is a creamy colour.
Price: £9.00
An unusual species of Trillium in that it will grow quite happily on limestone soils. Large white outward facing flowers.
Price: £10.00
An unusual species with no petals but attractive tepals of a reddish colour.
Price: £10.00
Pure white sessile flowers over mottled foliage in spring. Black seed heads.
Price: £11.00
Deep red flowers over mottled green and brown foliage.
Price: £11.50
An eyecatching herbaceous plant with mottled leaves and large deep red flowers.
Price: £12.50
Pure white sessile flowers over mottled foliage in spring.
Price: £12.50
A rarely offered species from China and Japan with large glossy green leaves and crisp white flowers.
Price: £17.50
A rarely offered species with deep green leaves and creamy white flowers in early summer.
Price: £18.00
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 30 cms high or so. Spreads quickly in good soils.
Price: £22.50
A large double flowered white Trillium reaching 30 cms high or so.
Price: £25.00
In our opinion the best Paris in the genus. Large umbrella-like foliage and creamy-white flowers.
Price: £45.00
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 25 cms high or so.