01890 771386

New Arrivals

We've just added these new plants to the website. They can often sell out pretty quickly! We'll be uploading images and lots more information on them shortly. Remember that many plants have been restocked on the site and may not appear here.
 If you prefer you can view the whole website list by clicking on 'Here' .
Price: £8.00
A hardy evergreen selection with deep green fronds being smaller than the species.
Price: £10.00
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds being larger than the species.
Price: £8.00
A hardy evergreen selection with deep green fronds being crested.
Price: £11.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds being pinnate and sometimes crested.
Price: £9.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds.
Price: £9.50
A bright green species with multiple divisions to the foliage.
Price: £9.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds being larger than the species.
Price: £9.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds being larger than the species.
Price: £8.00
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds and numerous crests to the tips.
Price: £8.50
A hardy evergreen selection with deep green fronds being larger than the species.
Price: £7.50
A hardy evergreen selection with deep green fronds.
Price: £7.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds.
Price: £10.00
A bright green species with multiple divisions to the foliage.
Price: £8.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds.
Price: £8.50
A hardy evergreen species with deep green fronds being larger than the species.
Price: £4.50
Bright red flower in rounded heads above fresh green foliage.
Price: £4.00
Blue showy flowers over green foliage on this species of Dragons Head.
Price: £4.50
Rich red-orange flowers and attractive green foliage from spring to autumn.
Price: £8.00
A hardy evergreen selection with deep green fronds being tipped by a bristly point.
Price: £6.00
A choice Galanthus
Price: £5.00
Easy bulbous plant with scarlet red flowers.
Price: £5.00
Easy bulbous plant with clean white flowers.
Price: £4.00
A good all round plant producing deep green leaves and blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £5.00
Easy herbaceous semi shrubby Incarvillea with attractive foliage and pale pink flowers.
Price: £5.00
A herbaceous perennial which is scented in leaf and flower.
Price: £95.00
A single flowered deepest red form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £95.00
A single flowered cerise salmon pink with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £40.00
A single flowered blue form with contrasting white stamens.
Price: £100.00
A money saving selection of Japanese hepaticas from our range.
Price: £5.50
Town Hall Clock is an easy herbaceous perennial with green flowers.
Price: £4.50
A plant with lightly mottled glossy leaves throughout the year and creamy-green flowers.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £2.50 (36%)
Bluish red flowers and silver foliage on a good plant for shade.
Price: £7.50
An evergreen perennial with hairy green leaves and long lasting creamy flowers.
Price: £39.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage and salmon pink flowers.
Price: £29.00
A single flowered form with strong pink flowers and contrasting white stamens.
Price: £55.00
A single flowered rich red form with red stamens.
Price: £35.00
A multipetalled form with purple petals.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered white form with nicely formed petals and contrasting purple stamens.
Price: £35.00
A purple single with rounded petals being white around the edge.
Price: £45.00
List Price: £88.00
You Save: £43.00 (49%)
A double bi-coloured flower being a strong pink and white.
Price: £4.50
A reliable perennial with bluish leaves and purplish-pink flowers.
Price: £4.50
A reliable perennial with bluish leaves and pink flowers.
Price: £4.50
A super species with slightly bluish grassy leaves and strong golden yellow flowers.
Price: £8.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and crisp white flowers.
Price: £6.00
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid-pale pink flowers.
Price: £6.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich pink flowers.
Price: £18.00
A very deep blue flowered hybrid with mid green foliage.
Price: £7.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue cup shaped flowers.
Price: £19.00
An attractive hybrid with large apple-green leaves and pink flowers.
Price: £25.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £4.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and white flowers.
Price: £10.00
A larger flowered hybrid with pale blue flowers to 3cms wide or more above mid green foliage.
Price: £9.50
An older hybrid with good blue flowers over strongly lobed foliage.
Price: £10.00
A larger flowered hybrid with pale blue flowers to 3cms wide or more above mid green foliage.
Price: £12.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale lavender flowers.
Price: £8.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and clean white flowers.
Price: £8.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue flowers.