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Size: 32.5 cms to 45 cms high
Price: £4.00
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £0.50 (11%)
A lovely species with white flowers over deeply serrated foliage.
Price: £12.50
Attractive pink & white striped flowers on this scented species.
Price: £14.00
A white flowered form of this lovely species.
Price: £7.00
A very attractive species with large trifoliate leaves with fine red edges and impressive red/brown and white flowers.
Price: £11.00
List Price: £12.00
You Save: £1.00 (8%)
A fully hardy species with brown and straw coloured stems to add to the interest of the brown & white striped flowers.
Price: £9.00
List Price: £9.50
You Save: £0.50 (5%)
A darker flowered species with rich green foliage.
Price: £7.00
A new selection with strong scented rich blue flowers.
Price: £15.00
A lovely species with mottled foliage and bright pink flowers.
Price: £5.50
A lovely species with mottled foliage and bright pink flowers.
Price: £5.00
A vigorous species from California with large yellow flowers.
Price: £5.50
A vigorous selection of the species with large yellow flowers.
Price: £5.00
White flowers with a rusty-red central ring and pale green leaves on this hybrid.
Price: £4.50
A hardy Busy Lizzie from China with bright yellow flowers and variegated foliage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £1.00 (14%)
A fabulous dusky pink hybrid of quintuplinervia and punicea.
Price: £8.00
Rich green radiate leaves on stems to 40cms high with us. Greenish flowers and bluish fruit.
Price: £8.50
List Price: £18.00
You Save: £9.50 (53%)
An unusual looking perennial from the Berberidaceae with mottled palmate foliage and pale creamy cup shaped flowers.
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