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Flower Colour: Brown
An easy to grow species with striking brown and white spathes.
A stunning species with radiating foliage from a central stem and flower spathes of a brown & white colour.
Price: £9.00
An easy to grow species with striking brown and white spathes.
Price: £11.00
List Price: £12.00
You Save: £1.00 (8%)
A fully hardy species with brown and straw coloured stems to add to the interest of the brown & white striped flowers.
Price: £12.50
Sandy brown spathes with rich red/brown inners and digitate foliage make this species exciting.
Price: £16.00
A rarely offered species with purple hoods and digitate leaves.
Price: £4.00
Very eyecatching 'Mouse plants' with reddish-brown and white tubular flowers with a long 'tail' like growth.
Price: £4.50
An attractive evergreen with apple-green leaves and attractive deep purple-green flowers.
Price: £8.00
A wild collected Euonymus with bright pinky red berries.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £31.00
You Save: £13.00 (42%)
A lovely double flowered form with rusty orange-red flowers over deep-green foliage.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £6.50
You Save: £2.00 (31%)
A dwarf hybrid reaching only 20 cms high or so with brown flowers.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen tufted perennial with silvery haired grass-like foliage.
Price: £3.00
An unusual evergreen perennial making rosettes of densely hairy lanceolate leaves and small starry brownish flowers.
Price: £3.50
A low growing species with deeply coloured catkins in spring.
Price: £12.00
Attractive herbaceous perennial with broad strap-like leaves and chocolatey-brown flowers.