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Family: Fabaceae
Price: £3.50
Attractive fluffy flowerheads of yellow through white orange or even purple above rich green foliage.
Price: £3.50
Attractive fluffy flowerheads of rich scarlet red above rich green foliage.
Price: £2.50
An exceptional evergreen carpeter for the front of a trough etc with bright golden yellow flowers.
Price: £3.50
A low growing shrub-like plant with deep green foliage and bright double yellow flowers.
Price: £4.00
Easy little perennial for a lightly shaded spot where it's pale orange/yellow flowers will delight.
Price: £5.00
Easy little perennial for a lightly shaded spot where it's pale pink to purple flowers will delight.
Price: £3.50
Easy little perennial for a lightly shaded spot where it's pale pink flowers will delight.
Price: £3.00
Palest pink and white flowers on stems to 50 cms in time with mid green lightly haired foliage.
Price: £4.00
Easy little perennial for a sunny lightly shaded spot where it's pale pink to purple scented flowers will delight.
Price: £4.00
Easy little perennial for a sunny lightly shaded spot where it's orangey-red and yellow scented flowers will delight.