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Flower Colour: Blue
Price: £10.00
An exceptional selection of the species which flowers sporadically throughout the summer months. Fabulous velvety blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £6.00
You Save: £2.00 (33%)
Blue flowers throughout over bright green/blue ferny foliage.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £1.00 (20%)
A lovely dwarf Aquilegia with blue flowers and attractive congested bluish foliage in early summer.
Price: £5.00
Bright sky blue flowers and green leaves with a silvery overlay.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £1.00 (25%)
A small but robust Campanula with hairy foliage and deep blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.50
A good all round plant producing deep green leaves and blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.00
A smaller variety of Campanula with purplish blue flowers from spring onwards.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £1.00 (20%)
A good all round plant producing deep green serrated leaves and blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.50
A robust Campanula with finely hairy foliage and lavender blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.00
A good all round plant producing deep green linear leaves and blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.00
A good all round ground cover plant producing deep green leaves and blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.50
A new hybrid with typical foliage and pale purple/blue bell-like flowers.
Price: £3.50
A small but robust Campanula with hairy foliage and deep blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.50
Fabulous blue flowers on a tidy growing plant which has broad grass-like leaves. Late summer flowering.
Price: £7.00
A new selection with strong scented rich blue flowers.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £0.50 (14%)
A large species with large deeper bluish flowers and black hairs.