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Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £14.00
Rarely offered species with blush pink flowers.
Price: £10.00
Big soft fleshy leaves and white flowers having deep orange to red spotting to the throat.
Price: £4.50
An American species with moderately marbled leaves and white flowers.
Price: £18.00
A very deep blue flowered hybrid with mid green foliage.
Price: £18.00
A very deep blue flowered hybrid with mid green foliage.
Price: £12.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale lavender flowers.
Price: £8.50
List Price: £10.00
You Save: £1.50 (15%)
A chinese species with prominently veined leaves and white flowers.
Price: £80.00
List Price: £150.00
You Save: £70.00 (47%)
A single rich pink flower with a central ruff of petalloid stamens.
Price: £25.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £20.00 (44%)
A single rich pink flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £23.00 (48%)
A fully double pink flower turning white towards the centre.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £429.00
A single strong pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £19.00 (40%)
A single white and pink flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £40.00
List Price: £90.00
You Save: £50.00 (56%)
Pale lavender/purple and green flowers on this japanese hybrid.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £60.00
You Save: £35.00 (58%)
A single rich pink flower with a number of petalloid stamens.