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Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £5.00
White and rosy-purple flowers on this compact form which is near evergreen
Price: £5.00
White and cream flowers on this compact form which is near evergreen.
Price: £6.00
Pure white flowers on this compact form with rich green young foliage.
Price: £7.50
List Price: £10.00
You Save: £2.50 (25%)
Bright white and red flowers on this hybrid which is near evergreen. Attractive foliage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £2.00 (25%)
Pale pink flowers on this compact form with red young foliage.
Price: £7.00
List Price: £8.50
You Save: £1.50 (18%)
Large clean white flowers on a relatively compact hybrid above bronzed new foliage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £2.00 (25%)
A new and reliable hybrid with strong pink-purple flowers.
Price: £5.50
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £1.50 (21%)
Attractive foliage and large soft pink flowers from this new Japanese hybrid.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £1.00 (14%)
A new hybrid from japan with dainty pink flowers.
Price: £5.00
A larger species with attractive white flowers and yellow anthers.
Price: £6.50
Large dusky pink flowers on a relatively compact hybrid above bronzed new foliage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £1.00 (14%)
Clean yellow flowers on this compact form with slightly serrated foliage.
Price: £6.00
A lovely garden worthy species from China with white flowers.
Price: £5.50
Canary-yellow flowers on this compact form with deep green young foliage.
Price: £5.50
White and rosy-purple to brown flowers on this compact form which is near evergreen.
Price: £5.50
Purple flowers on this unusual species.