01890 771386

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Price: £4.00
A compact variety with good deep electric blue flowers and having deep green foliage.
Price: £4.00
A vigorous hybrid with dense mats of pale green leaves and large pale blue trumpets.
Price: £4.00
A lovely but variable form but generally white with extensive blue spotting throughout the large flowers.
Price: £4.00
A relatively compact variety with good mid blue flowers having a purplish throat over deep green foliage.
Price: £4.00
A reliable selection with pale blue flowers and up to 7 petals.
Price: £4.00
A compact variety with deep blue trumpets over compact foliage.
Price: £4.00
Pure white flowers throughout with good weather tolerance.
Price: £4.00
A good vigorous hybrid with clear blue flowers and orange anthers above green lanceolate foliage.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £0.50 (11%)
A reliable alpine plant with soft pink flowers and deepest green foliage.
Price: £4.50
A reliable alpine plant with deep pink flowers and a darker eye.
Price: £4.00
Bright red flowers and fluffy seed heads in summer.
Price: £5.00
Big bright red flowers in late summer over typical erect lanceolate foliage.
Price: £5.00
Numerous creamy-yellow flowers in winter with grassy foliage.
Price: £4.50
A super species with slightly bluish grassy leaves and strong golden yellow flowers.
Price: £4.50
An American species with moderately marbled leaves and white flowers.
Price: £100.00
A money saving selection of Japanese hepaticas from our range.