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Additional Feature: Scented flowers
Price: £11.00
Upright form of Daphne with scented mid pink flowers.
Price: £5.00
A herbaceous perennial which is scented in leaf and flower.
Price: £5.00
A dwarf species of Iris with arching pale green foliage and white flowers with yellow markings.
Price: £9.00
Really big white flowers on an easy to grow shrub peony.
Price: £4.50
A hardy herbaceous perennial with typical Primula leaves and rigid stems holding dense flowerheads of lavender, cream or white flowers.
Price: £3.50
A worthy addition to the Primula collection with strong variably coloured flowers.
Price: £3.50
A worthy addition to the Primula collection with orange shaded flowers.
Price: £5.00
An unusual species amongst Primulas in that the foliage is very much linear lanceolate with yellow flowers.
Price: £4.50
A reliable and impressive species with lanceolate foliage and strong yellow flowers on rigid stems.
Price: £4.50
A hardy herbaceous perennial with typical Primula leaves and rigid stems holding dense heads of pastel coloured flowers.