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Origin: South Africa
Price: £4.50
Bright lemon-yellow flowers on 50 cms stems above bright green foliage.
Price: £4.50
Straw to lemon-yellow flowers on 40 cms stems above bright green foliage.
Price: £3.50
A good all round perennial for a sunny spot. Succulent foliage and intense pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
A succulent plant with pink flowers in abundance throughout summer.
Price: £2.50
A low growing evergreen perennial with glossy succulent leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: £2.50
A low growing evergreen perennial with glossy succulent leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: £3.00
Deep red foliage and clean white flowers thoughout summer.
Price: £3.50
An evergreen perennial with succulent leaves and flourescent pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
An unusual alpine perennial which will retain some of its foliage through the winter months. Slatey-blue flowers in summer.
Price: £5.00
Big bright red flowers in late summer over typical erect lanceolate foliage.
Price: £5.00
Numerous creamy-yellow flowers in winter with grassy foliage.
Price: £5.00
Easy bulbous plant with pale pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
A bright herbaceous alpine plant with deep-green leaves and soft pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
A bright herbaceous alpine plant with deep-green leaves and rich pink and white flowers.
Price: £3.00
A smaller member with powder pink flowers in abundance.
Price: £3.00
Rich red starry flowers on this new variety.
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