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Family: Primulaceae
Price: £2.50
Clump forming perennial making dense hummocks with bright pink flowers.
Price: £4.00
A reliable perennial with rounded green leaves and white to pink flowers through winter and spring.
Price: £5.00
A reliable perennial with rounded green leaves and white flowers through winter and spring.
Price: £5.00
A reliable perennial with rounded green leaves and rich ruby-red flowers through winter and spring.
Price: £5.00
A reliable perennial with rounded green leaves and white flowers through winter and spring.
Price: £4.50
A plant grown for it's attractive flowers and patterned foliage.
Price: £4.50
A silver leaved form of Cyclamen with variable flower colour
Price: £5.00
Pink flowers and fresh green serrated foliage on small clump forming plants.
Price: £4.00
Creamy flowers with darker purple anthers above fresh-green foliage.
Price: £4.00
Pink flowers with darker purple anthers above fresh-green foliage.
Price: £4.00
Large pale green leaves and pale pink flowers with dark centres.
Price: £4.00
Deep cerise-pink flowers over soft green foliage in spring.
Price: £4.00
Large pale green leaves and pale pink flowers with dark centres.
Price: £5.50
Pink flowers and fresh green foliage on small clump forming plants.
Price: £4.00
Pale pink flowers over soft green foliage in spring.
Price: £7.50
Bright yellow flowers in terminal bunches above glossy green foliage.
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