01890 771386

Luzula ulophylla

SKU: luulo-E/6/22
An evergreen tufted perennial with silvery haired grass-like foliage.
Family: Juncaceae
Flower Colour: Brown
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Australasia
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 8 cm square
Price: £3.00
Silvery rigid grass like foliage in tight mounds
Luzula ulophylla
Product Details
This dwarf Woodrush is a fine plant to incorporate into a trough or the rock garden as long as it doesn't dry out. Narrow grass-like leaves to around 5 cms long are held in tufts to around 20 cms across in time.
  Flowers are brownish in colour and followed by brown seed heads.