01890 771386

Lithodora prostrata Heavenly Blue

SKU: liprhebl-E/5/23
Easy evergreen shrublet with bright gentian blue flowers.
Family: Boraginaceae
Flower Colour: Blue
Flowering Season: Summer
Preferred Conditions: Most soils
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £4.00
Lithodora prostrata Heavenly Blue
Product Details

This is an easy to grow evergreen perennial in a soil which doesn't have lime. Small glossy but slightly haired deep green leaves on rigid shrubby stems hold the rich gentian blue flowers in early and mid summer. Good for larger troughs and the edges of borders. Previously called Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue and sometimes called Glandora prostrata Heavenly Blue!

 Best to give it a light cutting back after flowering.