01890 771386

Anemonopsis macrophylla

SKU: anmac-E/5/22
A striking japanese plant with mauve-lilac flowers held pendulously over mid green foliage.
Flower Colour: Lilac
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £9.00
Just waiting for these to root in.
Product Details
A lovely Japanese perennial which comes into growth early in the spring just after the last Snowdrops have finished. Leaves emerge firstand slowly expand to make a mound of growth to 35 cms or so in height. Each leaflet comprises 3 leaflets each with three deep divisions which adds interest to the late summer-early autumn flowers. Flowers are held on wiry rigid stems to a height of around 60 cms. Each in comprised of 3 outer waxy sepals of a lilac colour and up to 10 inner violet petals making a rounded cup-shape.