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Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Price: £3.00
A choice little evergreen with violet-purple flowers
Price: £3.00
A choice little evergreen with violet-purple flowers
Price: £3.00
A small compact cultivar with needle-like foliage on rigid stems and orange-red flowers.
Price: £2.50
An evergreen perennial with mid-green spathulate leaves and tubular violet-purple flowers.
Price: £3.50
A fine dwarf Penstemon for the rock garden with blue flowers lasting several weeks.
Price: £3.50
Strongly sweet scented almost evergreen perennial from the USA with pale blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
Strongly sweet scented almost evergreen perennial with rich purple flowers.
Price: £7.00
Large lavender pink flowers of soft green foliage on a tuberous rooted perennial.
Price: £4.00
An easy species with matte green leaves and white flowers in spring.
Price: £6.50
Chinese woodland perennial with attractive foliage and pink-purple flowers.
Price: £4.00
Deep green leaves held either side of an arching stem to 30cms high.
Price: £12.00
A lovely species with orange-red flowers over deep green foliage in early summer.
Price: £15.00
List Price: £22.00
You Save: £7.00 (32%)
An eyecatching new plant with bright clean yellow foliage and pendulous creamy white flowers.
Price: £9.50
List Price: £16.00
You Save: £6.50 (41%)
An eyecatching new plant with bright red stems and pendulous creamy white flowers.
Price: £5.00
A rarely offered species with purplish-pink flowers.
Price: £5.00
A rarely offered species from Eastern China with pink flowers on stems to 24 inches high.