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Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £6.50
A pink flowered plant with attractive deeply divided grey-green foliage.
Price: £6.50
A white flowered plant with attractive deeply divided grey-green foliage.
Price: £6.50
A pink flowered plant with attractive deeply divided grey-green foliage.
Price: £6.50
Large lavender pink flowers of soft green foliage on a tuberous rooted perennial.
Price: £7.00
Large lavender pink flowers of soft green foliage on a tuberous rooted perennial.
Price: £7.50
Large lavender pink flowers of soft green foliage on a tuberous rooted perennial.
Price: £7.50
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £1.50 (17%)
Rich purple flowers which tend to open wide at the mouth.
Price: £8.00
List Price: £10.00
You Save: £2.00 (20%)
An Asiatic species with moderately marbled leaves and pink to white flowers.
Price: £12.00
Japanese species with clean white bowl-shaped flowers and bluish seeds.
Price: £17.00
A money saving selection of Hostas from our range.
Price: £22.00
A selection of Gentians from our wide range with varying colours.
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