01890 771386

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Price: £3.00
Pink and white banding in the flower on this new cultivar.
Price: £3.00
A good pale pink and white flowered form with typical grassy foliage.
Price: £3.00
A rarely offered form with usual grassy green leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
A variety with cerise-pink flowers having narrow petals on stems to around 10 cms high.
Price: £3.00
A super hybrid with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Large white broad petalled flowers with a fine deep pink picotee edge and pink backs on this vigorous hybrid.
Price: £3.00
A reliable hybrid with usual grassy foliage and good sized mid pink flowers in summer.
Price: £3.00
A rarely offered form with usual grassy green leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Reasonably large mid pink flowers on this cultivar with typical foliage
Price: £3.00
A larger flowered hybrid with near white flowers.
Price: £3.00
White flowers with a pink tint.
Price: £3.00
Cerise-red flowers on this cultivar with typical foliage.
Price: £3.00
Pale pink flowers over typical foliage. A vigorous clone.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £1.00 (25%)
A large vigorous hybrid with cerise-pink/red flowers over rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
A strongly haired foliage species with clean white large flowers.
Price: £3.00
White flowers with pale pink to the centre and edges of each petal on this hybrid.