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Flower Colour: Red
Price: £4.50
Rich pink red flowers over deep green serrated foliage.
Price: £3.50
Attractive fluffy flowerheads of rich scarlet red above rich green foliage.
Price: £7.00
A very attractive species with large trifoliate leaves with fine red edges and impressive red/brown and white flowers.
Price: £16.00
Slender mahogany-red flowers and large green leaves on this species.
Price: £7.00
An impressive species with large tri-lobed leaves and deep red flowers.
Price: £9.50
An impressive species with large tri-lobed leaves and deep red flowers.
Price: £8.50
An impressive species with large tri-lobed leaves and deep red flowers.
Price: £8.50
List Price: £12.00
You Save: £3.50 (29%)
A super variety with the usual ferny divided foliage and bright rich red flowers.
Price: £4.00
A slightly variable hybrid with outstanding red flower colours and a compact habit.
Price: £5.00
A reliable perennial with rounded green leaves and rich ruby-red flowers through winter and spring.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £2.00 (25%)
A new and reliable hybrid with strong pink-purple flowers.
Price: £5.00
A reliable hybrid with strong pink-purple flowers.
Price: £6.50
Easy Pinkish and white flowered hybrid from Japan.
Price: £6.50
List Price: £10.00
You Save: £3.50 (35%)
Attractive pink foliage which is mottled flowers from this deep red flowered hybrid.
Price: £6.50
Attractive foliage and rich rose-pink flowers from this new Japanese hybrid.
Price: £8.50
List Price: £10.00
You Save: £1.50 (15%)
Attractive foliage and red flowers from this deep red flowered hybrid.
Price: £6.00
Red and creamy-yellow flowers on this attractive foliaged form.
Price: £6.50
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £0.50 (7%)
Attractive foliage with rich deep pink flowers and a bluish calyx from this new Japanese hybrid.
Price: £4.00
Bright red flowers and fluffy seed heads in summer.
Price: £5.00
Big bright red flowers in late summer over typical erect lanceolate foliage.
Price: £429.00
A single strong pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £32.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £13.00 (29%)
A single rich almost red flowered hybrid above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £55.00
A single flowered rich red form with red stamens.
Price: £180.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £32.00
You Save: £12.00 (38%)
A single rich pink and white flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £90.00
List Price: £380.00
You Save: £290.00 (76%)
A single rich pink flower with a central ruff of red petaloid stamens.
Price: £95.00
A single flowered deepest red form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £11.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £10.00
A Dr Chris North hybrid with rich red flowers in summer.
Price: £8.00
A Dr Chris North hybrid with rich orange-red flowers in summer.
An exceptional lily with narrow rigid stems carrying glossy deep green leaves and turkscap plum flowers.
Price: £8.00
A Dr Chris North hybrid with rich red flowers in summer.
Price: £4.00
Rich red-orange flowers and attractive deep red foliage from spring to autumn.
Price: £5.50
A little known evergreen shrub from Vietnam with violet fruits in late summer.
Price: £4.50
Rich orange/red flowers on 60 cm stems in summer over attractive foliage.
Price: £4.50
Rich orange/red flowers on 10 cm stems in summer over attractive foliage.
Price: £7.00
An easy tree peony with deepest red flowers.
Price: £5.50
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £2.50 (31%)
Strong red flowers over pointed green foliage in spring.
Price: £7.50
A fine herbaceous perennial with finely dissected green foliage and bowl shaped red flowers.
Price: £6.00
Bluish foliage and coral red flowers.
Price: £7.50
Twining glossy leaved climber with attractive red or occasionally green flowers.
Price: £3.00
Starry cerise pink flowers on trailing stems in summer.
Price: £12.00
A lovely species with orange-red flowers over deep green foliage in early summer.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £5.50
You Save: £1.00 (18%)
Heavily mealy-coated leaves and deepest red flowers with a white paste and yellow eye.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and rich scarlet red flowers with a white and yellow eye.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers with a yellow eye.
Price: £5.50
Bright scarlet-red flowers on this stunning primula.
Price: £3.50
A strong growing primrose with deep red flowers in early spring.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers having a white eye.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers.
Price: £4.00
Deepest maroon red flowers on this Pasque flower over feathery foliage.
Price: £6.50
Small leaved perennial with deeply textured leaves and reddish flowers.
Price: £6.00
Large leaved perennial with rich green leaves and bright red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rich red/pink flowers on this vigorous hybrid.
Price: £3.00
A rarely offered form with usual grassy green leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
A fine species with strongly coloured carmine-red flowers above grassy foliage.
Price: £3.00
Rich red starry flowers on this new variety.
Price: £4.00
A super hybrid with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Cerise-red flowers on this cultivar with typical foliage.
Price: £3.00
A rarely offered form with usual grassy green leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £0.50 (11%)
A fine double flowered form being rich ruby red.
Price: £3.00
A rarely offered form with usual grassy green leaves and strong cerise-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
A super species with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
A super hybrid with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
A super hybrid with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
A super hybrid with apple green grassy leaves and strong cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rich red/pink flowers on this vigorous hybrid.
Price: £9.50
Large flowered form with bright scarlet red flowers.
Price: £6.00
More details to follow.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Ruby-red flowers and deepest green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Crimson-red flowers and deepest green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Rich red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Strong pink-red flowers and red-tinted green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Nice soft red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
Rich crimson red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
Rich scarlet red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
Rich crimson red flowers and reddish-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
Rich cerise red flowers and apple-green foliage on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £9.00
You Save: £3.00 (33%)
Magenta-pink flowers and dark-green foliage with red tinted margins on this super Japanese Saxifrage.
Price: £4.00
Dusky red/pink flowers on rigid stems above sage green foliage.
Deep red petals on this long-lived flower species.
Price: £8.00
An eyecatching herbaceous plant with mottled leaves and large deep red flowers.
Price: £7.50
A robust species with attractive marbled foliage and red to orange sessile flowers in spring.
Price: £7.50
A super species with usual deep green foliage and rich red flowers in spring.
Price: £10.50
Deep red flowers over mottled green and brown foliage.
Price: £8.00
An unusual species with leaflets having petioles and flower sepals recurving strongly downwards.
Price: £7.50
A rarely offered species with reddish sessile flowers and marbled foliage. Tolerates normal soils.
Price: £7.50
A seldom seen species with mild mottling and flowers of a deep reddish colour, the petals twisted.
Price: £8.00
A large species reaching up to 45 cms and occasionally to 60 cms with deep red flowers.
Price: £6.50
List Price: £8.50
You Save: £2.00 (24%)
Attractive herbaceous perennial with strap-like leaves and reddish-purple flowers.
Price: £14.00
List Price: £18.00
You Save: £4.00 (22%)
Attractive herbaceous perennial with strap-like leaves and reddish-purple flowers.