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Products found: 382 - New Search
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Price: £2.50
Solitary pink flowers over deep green/grey foliage in mid summer.
Price: £2.50
White flowers over deepest green pinnatisect foliage.
Price: £2.50
A low growing evergreen perennial with glossy succulent leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: £2.50
An unusual looking perennial with yellowish flowers and bright red berries in autumn.
Price: £2.50
An evergreen perennial with mid-green spathulate leaves and tubular violet-purple flowers.
Price: £2.50
An attractive rarely offered hybrid with white flowers and silver rosettes.
Price: £2.50
Clump forming perennial making dense hummocks with bright pink flowers.
Price: £2.50
A low growing evergreen perennial with glossy succulent leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: £2.50
List Price: £3.00
You Save: £0.50 (17%)
A dainty evergreen perennial making neat hummocks of growth and stems carrying palest pink flowers.
Price: £2.50
Small evergreen alpine plant with silvery trifoliate leaves and five petalled white flowers having a pinkish centre.
Price: £2.50
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £1.00 (29%)
Lilac blue flowers which look like little daisies on this reliable rock perennial which has rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
Bright pinkish-red flowers over silvery-sage green foliage held on stiff stems.
Price: £3.00
Rock perennial with lance shaped mid green foliage and bluish-pink coloured flowers with yellow centres.
Price: £3.00
Nice pale pink flowers over deep green foliage in mid summer.
Price: £3.00
Pale pink flowers with deeply cut petals over deep green foliage in mid summer.
Price: £3.00
Easy little Campanula with tubular-bell like flowers of a white to pale pink colour.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with succulent leaves and raspberry-pink coloured flowers.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £0.50 (14%)
Rock perennial from USA with lance shaped mid green foliage and clear white flowers with yellow centres.
Price: £3.00
Good sized white daisy-like flowers over silvery lanceolate foliage arranged in rosettes.
Price: £3.00
Heavily mealy-coated leaves and pale lemon yellow flowers with a white eye.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with succulent leaves and orangey-yellow coloured flowers.
Price: £3.00
Lavender-purple pom-pom like flowers on short stems in summer above lanceolate rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
Purplish flowers and soft green rounded foliage on this attractive hybrid.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and pale yellow flowers.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and rich scarlet red flowers with a white and yellow eye.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and lilac-lavender flowers with a slightly darker eye.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and purple-blue flowers with a white eye.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen perennial for adding height to a trough or rock garden.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and clean white flowers.
Price: £3.00
A good cross of the two plants which brings a pale violet colour into the flower.
Price: £3.00
Bright yellow flowers over soft green rosettes of foliage in summer
Price: £3.00
An evergreen perennial with succulent leaves and bright pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and pale-lilac flowers with a slightly darker eye.
Price: £3.00
Distinctive serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and purple-lilac flowers.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and clean white rounded flowers.
Price: £3.00
Slightly golden, pale green leaves and clean white flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and creamy-white flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers with a yellow eye.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and pale lemon yellow flowers.
Price: £3.00
Mat forming evergreen perennial with soft pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Pale pink flowers on stems to 20 cms and deep green foliage.
Price: £3.00
Lilac blue flowers which look like little daisies on this reliable rock perennial which has rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and rich pinkish-purple flowers.
Price: £3.00
Deep red foliage and clean white flowers thoughout summer.
Price: £3.00
A dainty evergreen perennial making neat hummocks of growth and slender stems carrying rich cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Pale blue white flowers in dense panicles over sage green foliage.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen tufted perennial with silvery haired grass-like foliage.
Price: £3.00
A very small Candytuft with strongly scented white flowers.
Price: £3.00
Deeply serrated foliage with a heavy farina and pale lilac flowers.
Price: £3.00
Easy perennial with evergreen foliage and creamy white flowers in summer.
Price: £3.00
A choice little evergreen with violet-purple flowers
Price: £3.00
Rich cerise-pink flowers on stems to 20 cms and deep red foliage.
Price: £3.00
Bright lemon-yellow flowers above deep green foliage on a tidy plant.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £0.50 (14%)
Violet-blue flowers over evergreen rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
A dainty evergreen perennial making neat hummocks of growth and stems carrying palest pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £2.00 (40%)
A strongly scented pure white flowered plant with limey-yellow evergreen foliage.
Price: £3.00
A choice little evergreen with violet-purple flowers
Price: £3.00
An attractive hybrid with lilac coloured flowers.
Price: £3.00
Lavender purple flowers on this hybrid with leaves having a strong mealy coating.
Price: £3.00
Purplish coloured flowers on this hybrid.
Price: £3.00
A smaller variety with rich green leaves and strong purple flowers.
Price: £3.00
An established variety with pale lavender flowers over greenish-grey foliage.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and lavender-lilac flowers.
Price: £3.00
Lilac lavender flowers on a compact plant make this fairly unique.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and purple-blue flowers with a white eye.
Price: £3.00
Deeply serrated foliage with a heavy farina and pale lilac flowers.
Price: £3.00
Pale lilac flowers over yellowish mealy covered foliage in spring.
Price: £3.00
Bright lemon yellow flowers over rich green foliage.
Price: £3.00
A hardy evergreen perennial with lobed tiny leaves.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £0.50 (14%)
A reliable perennial with greyish-green leaves and lilac-purple flowers.
Price: £3.00
A succulent plant with pink flowers in abundance throughout summer.
Price: £3.00
Evergreen mat forming perennial with deep green glossy leaves and numerous yellow flowers.
Price: £3.00
Small evergreen, or nearly so, alpine plant with silvery trifoliate leaves and five petalled pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
An unusual evergreen perennial making rosettes of densely hairy lanceolate leaves and small starry brownish flowers.
Price: £3.00
A small compact cultivar with needle-like foliage on rigid stems and orange-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
List Price: £3.50
You Save: £0.50 (14%)
Evergreen mat forming sub-shrub with glossy deep green leaves and yellowish flower bud opening creamy white.
Price: £3.00
An evergreen foliage plant which makes flattened growths of foliage for effect throughout the year.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and clean white flowers and a slightly creamier eye.
Price: £3.00
Strong pink flowers and soft green rounded wavy foliage on this attractive hybrid.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and clean white flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rich green leaves and purple-blue flowers with a small white eye.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and purple-blue flowers with a white eye.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and palest lilac pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Pale pink flowers with a good size and evergreen foliage.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and lavender-lilac flowers.
Price: £3.00
Starry cerise pink flowers on trailing stems in summer.
Price: £3.00
Pale green and yellow variegated leaves and rich orange flowers with a yellow eye.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and lilac-lavender flowers with a slightly paler eye.
Price: £3.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and lavender-pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and rich purple flowers with a slightly paler eye.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers having a white eye.
Price: £3.00
Clean white flowers on this hybrid.
Price: £3.00
Strong pink flowers and soft green rounded foliage on this attractive hybrid.
Price: £3.00
An attractive hybrid with palest lilac coloured flowers.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and scarlet-red flowers.
Price: £3.00
Clean white flowers on this hybrid.
Price: £3.00
Rounded pale green leaves and deep pink flowers.
Price: £3.00
Clean white starry flowers and bright green foliage.
Price: £3.00
Heavy farina and strong purple blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
An evergreen dwarf shrub for giving winter colour to the rock garden with glossy deep green foliage
Price: £3.50
An early pink purple flowered species from the Troodos mountains.
Price: £3.50
Bright canary-yellow flowers and lanceolate green foliage.
Price: £3.50
Attractive little mound forming plant with pale pink flowers
Price: £3.50
Silvery silky hairy leaves on woody stems and sky-blue flowers in summer.
Price: £3.50
A species with strongly scented white frilled flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.50
More details to follow shortly.
Price: £3.50
Lightly haired leaves make tufts from which grow the flower stems carrying golden-yellow pouch-like flowers.
Price: £3.50
An unusual alpine perennial which will retain some of its foliage through the winter months. Slatey-blue flowers in summer.
Price: £3.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
A fine little teucrium forming mats of growth and in summer, mant lipped pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green scalloped leaves and numerous cream & purple flowers.
Price: £3.50
A fine dwarf Penstemon for the rock garden with blue flowers lasting several weeks.
Price: £3.50
A stunning Saxifraga with dense arching sprays of white, heavily marked red flowers through early summer.
Price: £3.50
A compact evergreen variety which produces deep green rosettes and white, speckled pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £0.50 (12%)
A reliable plant with glossy foliage and rich blue/purple flowers.
Price: £3.50
A low growing carpeting species with blue/violet flowers.
Price: £3.50
A low growing shrub-like plant with deep green foliage and bright double yellow flowers.
Price: £3.50
A smaller hybrid with white flowers and a red colouration to the base of the leaves.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £0.50 (12%)
Grey-green foliage and a dwarf habit make this evergreen conifer suited to troughs.
Price: £3.50
A vigorous ground covering perennial forming dense mats of foliage which even suppresses weeds. Pale creamy button flowers.
Price: £3.50
A slow growing species with rich green foliage and creamy flowers.
Price: £3.50
A lovely selection with glossy sage-green leaves and numerous blue flowers in early spring.
Price: £3.50
An evergreen perennial with succulent leaves and flourescent pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
An exceptional evergreen carpeter for the front of a trough etc with bright golden yellow flowers.
Price: £3.50
A grey-green leaved species from Finland which produces rosettes holding flower stems carrying blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
Strongly sweet scented almost evergreen perennial from the USA with pale blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
Creamy white flowers on rigid stems above sage green foliage.
Price: £3.50
A nice plant for adding winter colour to the rock garden with white flowers as well.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £0.50 (12%)
Small evergreen, or nearly so, alpine plant with silvery trifoliate leaves and five petalled pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and rich purple-blue flowers with a creamy eye.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £0.50 (12%)
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.00
You Save: £0.50 (12%)
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £3.50
A good all round perennial for a sunny spot. Succulent foliage and intense pink flowers.
Price: £3.50
A low growing carpeting species with blue/violet flowers.
Price: £3.50
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £1.00 (22%)
A small but robust Campanula with glossy foliage and deep blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.50
Softly grey haired lanceolate leaves make mounds from which grow the flower stems carrying rich orange daisy-like flowers.
Price: £3.50
Pale lilac-lavender flowers over greyish foliage throughout summer.
Price: £3.50
A robust Campanula with finely hairy foliage and lavender blue bell-like flowers in early summer.
Price: £3.50
Yellow flowers which look like little daisies on this reliable rock perennial which has linear silver foliage.
Price: £4.00
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
Clean white buttercup-like flowers and yellow anthers in spring and summer.
Price: £4.00
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with pale green scalloped leaves and arching flower spikes of clean white.
Price: £4.00
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid-pale pink through white to blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
Iris brevicaulis - A lovely species with variably coloured flowers in summer.
Price: £4.00
Strongly sweet scented almost evergreen perennial with rich purple flowers.
Price: £4.00
Pink flowers which look like little daisies on this reliable rock perennial which has rich grey green foliage.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £1.00 (20%)
Evergreen mat forming sub-shrub with glossy deep green leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: £4.00
Dusky red/pink flowers on rigid stems above sage green foliage.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £3.00 (43%)
A dwarf species reaching only 15 cms high or so with yellow flowers.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £0.50 (11%)
Frilled purple flowers over deep green evergreen foliage.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £4.50
You Save: £0.50 (11%)
Frilled purple flowers over deep green evergreen foliage.
Price: £4.00
Fleshy soft apple-green foliage in loose rosettes and blue 'Forget me Not' flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.00
A rarely offered selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
Scented yellow flowers and attractive tiny green glossy rounded leaves.
Price: £4.00
Clean white double flowers and crisp green foliage in summer.
Price: £4.00
Frilled bluish/purple flowers over deep green foliage with haired undersides and flower stems.
Price: £4.00
Frilled bluish/purple flowers over deep green foliage.
Price: £4.00
Rich yellow buttercup-like flowers above rich green foliage.
Price: £4.00
Lavender purple flowers over evergreen foliage on a very much dwarf plant.
Price: £4.00
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue cup shaped flowers.
Price: £4.00
Clean white flowers over evergreen foliage.
Price: £4.00
An evergreen dwarf shrub for giving winter colour to the rock garden with glossy deep green foliage.
Price: £4.00
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers with a green throat.
Price: £4.00
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
A long established selection with good foliage colour and rich blue long-lived flowers.
Price: £4.00
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £1.00 (20%)
An evergreen species from California with silvery leaves and violet-purple flowers.
Price: £4.00
Serrated pale green meal-coated leaves and lavender-lilac flowers.
Price: £4.00
A bluish leaved evergreen perennial with lilac-purple flowers.
Price: £4.00
Clean white buttercup-like flowers and yellow anthers in spring and summer.
Price: £4.00
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with pale green scalloped leaves and arching flower spikes of blue-violet.
Price: £4.00
Linnaea borealis, Twinflower. White to palest pink flowers in pairs in early summer and small rounded leaves.
Price: £4.00
An evergreen low growing shrubby perennial with deep green leaves and blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
Easy evergreen shrublet with bright gentian blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large blue flowers.
Price: £4.00
An exceptional hybrid with white flowers over large sized rosettes with heavy lime encrusting.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £0.50 (10%)
A lovely hybrid originating at Edrom Nursery with glossy green leaves and very large deepest blue flowers.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £5.50
You Save: £1.00 (18%)
Heavily mealy-coated leaves and deepest red flowers with a white paste and yellow eye.
Price: £4.50
Lavender to purple flowers and rich green evergreen foliage.
Price: £4.50
Big bright yellow flowers over lance-shaped silvery foliage in summer and early autumn.
Price: £4.50
Dwarf evergreen Clematis forming low mounds of growth and in early summer, masses of 2cm creamy white flowers.
Price: £4.50
Low growing ericaceous plant with evergreen foliage and purple & Yellow flowers.
Price: £4.50
A lovely species with pale lilac-blue flowers and evergreen foliage.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £5.00
You Save: £0.50 (10%)
A Clematis forming low mounds of growth and in early summer, masses of 2 cm creamy green/white flowers.
Price: £4.50
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £2.50 (36%)
A dwarf species reaching only 15 cms high or so with purplish/red flowers.
Price: £4.50
Attractive violet/blue flowers in dense spikes in early summer.
Price: £4.50
A dwarf species from China with rich deep green leaves and purple flowers in early summer.
Price: £4.50
A resilliant little evergreen grass-like perennial with black leaves and pink flowers.
Price: £4.50
A rarely offered species with rich deep purple flowers.
Price: £4.50
Low growing ericaceous plant with evergreen foliage and white & Yellow flowers.
Price: £4.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pink cup shaped flowers.
Price: £4.50
Big bright yellow flowers over lance-shaped silvery foliage in summer and early autumn.
Price: £4.50
Rich fully double yellow buttercup-like flowers with a greenish eye above rich green foliage.
Price: £4.50
A reliable plant with glossy grey/green foliage and rich blue/purple flowers.
Price: £4.50
An evergreen perennial with fine hairy leaves and clusters of soft yellowish flowers.
Price: £5.00
A lovely selection with glossy green leaves and very large white and palest blue flowers.
Price: £5.00
Lanceolate greyish foliage and bright orange and yellow flowers on this evergreen perennial.
Price: £5.00
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with pale green scalloped leaves and arching flower spikes of blue-violet.
Price: £5.00
A fantastic evergreen perennial from S Africa with bright yellow flowers.
Price: £5.00
A dwarf species with evergreen foliage and white daisy-like flowers.
Price: £5.00
Deep green evergreen foliage and a neat habit on this Daphne.
Price: £5.00
A rarely offered tuft forming perennial with bright golden yellow flowers.
Price: £5.50
List Price: £7.00
You Save: £1.50 (21%)
An evergreen perennial with mottled kidney-shaped leaves and variably coloured cup shaped flowers.
Price: £5.50
A slow growing evergreen perennial with hard leaves and blue flowers.
Price: £5.50
A reliable alpine plant with deep purple flowers and a darker eye.
Price: £5.50
Lovely lilac/lavender flowers followed by fluffy seedheads and typically dissected foliage.
Price: £6.00
White flowers with strong yellow markings to the falls and rich green evergreen foliage.
Price: £6.00
Clean white buttercup-like flowers and yellow anthers in spring and summer.
Price: £6.00
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £2.00 (25%)
An evergreen perennial with mottled kidney-shaped leaves and large powder blue flowers.
Price: £6.00
White flowers with purple or reddish markings to the falls and rich green foliage.
Price: £6.00
Bluish foliage and coral red flowers.
Price: £6.00
More details to follow.
Price: £6.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale blue to white flowers with a degree of blue speckling, white anthers.
Price: £6.50
List Price: £8.00
You Save: £1.50 (19%)
A reliable species with pale green leaves and strongly scented creamy flowers.
Price: £7.00
A seed raised species from China with white yellow or lilac flowers.
Price: £7.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid-pale pink flowers.
Price: £7.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale blue flowers with white anthers.
Price: £7.50
An evergreen dwarf shrub for giving winter colour to the rock garden with glossy deep green and white variegated foliage.
Price: £8.00
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale blue multi-petalled flowers.
Price: £8.00
A money saving selection of Delospermas from our range.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid pink, broad petalled flowers.
Price: £8.50
An exceptionally dwarf hybrid with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue flowers.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid pink, broad petalled flowers.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue flowers.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and lavender blue flowers.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and mid blue flowers.
Price: £8.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and rich blue flowers.
Price: £8.50
An exceptionally dwarf hybrid with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and clean white flowers.
Price: £9.00
An evergreen perennial with pale green kidney-shaped leaves and clean white cup shaped flowers.
Price: £9.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and flowers of a two-tone blue with the centre of each petal being pale, broad petals.
Price: £9.50
List Price: £12.00
You Save: £2.50 (21%)
A good dwarf hybrid with deep green glossy leaves and scented pink flowers.
Price: £10.00
List Price: £12.00
You Save: £2.00 (17%)
A good dwarf hybrid with deep green glossy leaves and scented pink flowers.
Price: £11.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double cerise-pink flowers.
Price: £11.00
An evergreen perennial with pale apple green kidney-shaped leaves and clean white cup shaped flowers.
Price: £12.00
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and with a white flower.
Price: £12.00
Impressive evergreen from Chile with perfectly formed rosettes having a red centre in autumn.
Price: £12.50
An evergreen perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and pale blue multi-petalled flowers.
Price: £12.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and with a white flower.
Price: £12.50
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves with silvery mottling and a cup-shaped white flower.
Price: £14.00
An evergreen perennial with pale apple green kidney-shaped leaves and clean white cup shaped flowers.
Price: £15.00
A herbaceous perennial with deep green kidney-shaped leaves and with a fine gold edge and variably coloured cup shaped flowers.
Price: £15.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £30.00 (67%)
A single pale pink flower with rich red stigmas.
Price: £15.00
List Price: £23.00
You Save: £8.00 (35%)
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £17.00
List Price: £24.00
You Save: £7.00 (29%)
A single cerise-pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £21.00
You Save: £3.00 (14%)
A single perfectly formed pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £27.00 (60%)
A semi-double pale pink with reflexed inner petals.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £36.00
You Save: £18.00 (50%)
A mauve-purple coloured double with large ray florets.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £32.00
You Save: £14.00 (44%)
A double flowered form with white outer petals, lime green inners with a white eye.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £75.00
You Save: £57.00 (76%)
A fully double pale powder pink flower over typical foliage.
Price: £18.00
List Price: £42.00
You Save: £24.00 (57%)
A fully double bi-coloured double - pink and white.
Price: £18.00
A single pure white with crisp white stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
A single white with dark purple stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £44.00
You Save: £24.00 (55%)
A single rich violet coloured overlay on white petals and conspicuous green tepals.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £23.00
You Save: £3.00 (13%)
A single white with pink stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £29.00
You Save: £9.00 (31%)
Exceptional double crisp white flowers lasting for many weeks.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £34.00
You Save: £14.00 (41%)
A lovely semi-double white with a green centre.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £25.00 (56%)
A double flowered deep pink with white shading to the centre.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £32.00
You Save: £12.00 (38%)
A single rich pink and white flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £27.00
You Save: £7.00 (26%)
A semi-double flowered form with green petals and pinkish edges.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £22.00
You Save: £2.00 (9%)
A single violet-blue narrow petalled flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £25.00
You Save: £5.00 (20%)
A single pink & white petalled flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £20.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £25.00 (56%)
A single palest-pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £22.00
List Price: £25.00
You Save: £3.00 (12%)
A single violet-pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £22.00
List Price: £46.00
You Save: £24.00 (52%)
Fully double palest pink flowers on this japanese hybrid.
Price: £22.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £23.00
List Price: £37.00
You Save: £14.00 (38%)
A full double with pink flowers having green shading and a stronger pink eye.
Price: £23.00
List Price: £60.00
You Save: £37.00 (62%)
A fully double rich pink.
Price: £23.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £22.00 (49%)
A single violet & white petalled flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £23.00
List Price: £43.00
You Save: £20.00 (47%)
A full double with pink-purple petals having green shading towards the centre.
Price: £24.00
List Price: £32.00
You Save: £8.00 (25%)
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £24.00
List Price: £38.00
You Save: £14.00 (37%)
A pale pink single flower.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £23.00 (48%)
A fully double pink flower turning white towards the centre.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £37.00
You Save: £12.00 (32%)
Tricoloured double flowers on one plant! Purple pink and white.
Price: £25.00
List Price: £36.00
You Save: £11.00 (31%)
A fully double blue and white flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £25.00
A single flowered form having palest pink multipetalled but not double flowers with white stamens.
Price: £25.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £25.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £25.00
Single flowered salmon pink with paler markings to the petals.
Price: £26.00
Single rich purple flowered form.
Price: £26.00
Big single flowered form of a pale blue colour.
Price: £27.00
A double flowered form with white outer petals, lime green inners with a white eye.
Price: £27.00
Single mid to deep purple with purple stamens.
Price: £27.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £38.00 (58%)
A single palest pink with a central ruff of smaller pink petals above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £27.00
List Price: £78.00
You Save: £51.00 (65%)
A fully double strong pink flower throughout.
Price: £27.00
List Price: £55.00
You Save: £28.00 (51%)
A palest mauve-pink full double with whiter petals towards the centre.
Price: £27.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £38.00 (58%)
A double flowered palest pink form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £28.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £17.00 (38%)
A single rich pink flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £28.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £37.00 (57%)
A full double two tone pink with densely packed petals.
Price: £28.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £28.00
List Price: £38.00
You Save: £10.00 (26%)
A single rich pink almost red flowered hybrid above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £28.00
List Price: £38.00
You Save: £10.00 (26%)
A single pale blue flower with slightly lighter centres above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
Nice rounded purple flower with purple stamens.
Price: £29.00
Pink flowers with occasional petaloid stamens.
Price: £29.00
A double flowered form with white outer petals, lime green inners with a white eye.
Price: £29.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
Purple with petaloid stamens.
Price: £29.00
Single rich pink with elongated petaloid stamens.
Price: £29.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £19.00 (40%)
A single pink & white petalled flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £29.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £19.00 (40%)
This fabulous hybrid is a single apricot-pink flowered form and has attractive marbled foliage as well!
Price: £29.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £16.00 (36%)
A single blue flower with a central darker eye and Fabulously marbled foliage.
Price: £30.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £30.00
List Price: £60.00
You Save: £30.00 (50%)
A single rich pink flower with a number of petalloid stamens.
Price: £30.00
List Price: £36.00
You Save: £6.00 (17%)
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £30.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £35.00 (54%)
Pale lavender and green flowers on this japanese hybrid.
Price: £30.00
List Price: £47.00
You Save: £17.00 (36%)
Exceptional double lavender flowers with lilac shading lasting for many weeks.
Price: £31.00
List Price: £87.00
You Save: £56.00 (64%)
A fully double pale pink with white towards the centre.
Price: £31.00
White single with heavy purple spotting.
Price: £31.00
Single rich cerise pink with creamy stamens.
Price: £32.00
List Price: £35.00
You Save: £3.00 (9%)
A large pale blue single flower.
Price: £32.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £16.00 (33%)
A single white and pink flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £32.00
This particular hybrid is a single, being a nice shade of orangey pink or apricot!
Price: £33.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £12.00 (27%)
A single rich violet blue flower with a central ruff of petalloid stamens reflexing backwards.
Price: £33.00
List Price: £88.00
You Save: £55.00 (62%)
A semi double bi-coloured double - strong pink and white.
Price: £33.00
A strong deep purple single with white to the edges of each petal.
Price: £34.00
Single pale pink with petaloid creamy stamens.
Price: £35.00
Rich pink single with a white centre and petaloid stamens.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered form having white flowers with pink stamens.
Price: £35.00
Nice rounded purple flower with purple stamens.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered form having strong, almost coral pink flowers with pink stamens.
Price: £35.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £10.00 (22%)
A fully double blue and white flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered form having rich pink multipetalled but not double flowers with white stamens.
Price: £35.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £30.00 (46%)
A single flowered pink form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £35.00
A single white with nearly black stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £35.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £35.00
List Price: £45.00
You Save: £10.00 (22%)
A single flowered hybrid of white with pinkish veins above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £35.00
List Price: £48.00
You Save: £13.00 (27%)
A single Nidan type mid blue/violet hybrid above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £37.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £28.00 (43%)
Fabulous hybrid being a lilac/lavender single with an attractive ruff of paler petaloid stamens to the centre of each flower.
Price: £37.00
List Price: £57.00
You Save: £20.00 (35%)
A double flowered form with green outer petals and green inner.
Price: £37.00
List Price: £95.00
You Save: £58.00 (61%)
A fully double strong pink flower fading towards the centre to white.
Price: £38.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £38.00
A single flowered form having mid violet blue flowers with white stamens.
Price: £39.00
White to pale ink flowers with greenish petaloid stamens.
Price: £39.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £40.00
A single blue with white contrasting stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £45.00
List Price: £98.00
You Save: £53.00 (54%)
Pale lavender/purple and green flowers on this japanese hybrid.
Price: £45.00
List Price: £75.00
You Save: £30.00 (40%)
A single violet/lavender flower with good contrast with the white.
Price: £45.00
List Price: £65.00
You Save: £20.00 (31%)
A full double with purple outer petals and white inner petals with green shading.
Price: £45.00
Full double lavender purple flowers.
Price: £45.00
Nicely formed pink flowers with petaloid stamens.
Price: £47.00
An attractive hybrid is a single pale lavender with petalloid stamens.
Price: £47.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double pink flowers.
Price: £49.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £49.00
A single pink/red with white contrasting flattened stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £49.00
List Price: £120.00
You Save: £71.00 (59%)
A single strong pink flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £49.00
List Price: £220.00
You Save: £171.00 (78%)
A fully double purple and green flower and large leaves.
Price: £49.00
A single flowered form having mid pink flowers with pink stamens and a fine blue shading to the outer edge of the petal.
Price: £50.00
List Price: £63.00
You Save: £13.00 (21%)
A fully double violet-blue flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £52.00
A single pale blue with a white zone to the centre of each petal above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £54.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £55.00
List Price: £135.00
You Save: £80.00 (59%)
A fully double blue and white flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £59.00
List Price: £127.00
You Save: £68.00 (54%)
A semi-double violet-purple with ruffled inner petals.
Price: £60.00
List Price: £85.00
You Save: £25.00 (29%)
A semi-double clean white with inner green staminoid petals.
Price: £65.00
List Price: £140.00
You Save: £75.00 (54%)
Rich pink and green flowers on this japanese hybrid.
Price: £65.00
List Price: £230.00
You Save: £165.00 (72%)
A double white flower with an occasional twist to the inner petals.
Price: £65.00
List Price: £190.00
You Save: £125.00 (66%)
A semi-double flower with a central ruff of green petaloid stamens.
Price: £65.00
List Price: £120.00
You Save: £55.00 (46%)
A single rich pink flower with a central boss of green petalloid stamens.
Price: £65.00
List Price: £120.00
You Save: £55.00 (46%)
A single clear white flower with a central boss of green shaded white petaloid stamens.
Price: £67.00
List Price: £110.00
You Save: £43.00 (39%)
A single multi-petalled white flower with a central boss of violet stamens.
Price: £75.00
List Price: £195.00
You Save: £120.00 (62%)
A fully double flowered tri-coloured form of pink, cream and green colours.
Price: £75.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double white flowers.
Price: £75.00
A fabulous evergreen perennial with kidney shaped leaves and fully double blue flowers.
Price: £80.00
List Price: £165.00
You Save: £85.00 (52%)
A single flowered form having a good upright habit. Colour is pale purple/pink with a central boss of greenish-pink petaloid stamens.
Price: £85.00
List Price: £145.00
You Save: £60.00 (41%)
A rich pink coloured semi-double with perfectly formed white petalloid stamens.
Price: £85.00
List Price: £190.00
You Save: £105.00 (55%)
A fully double strong pink flower fading towards the centre to white.
Price: £87.00
List Price: £142.00
You Save: £55.00 (39%)
A single white with greenish petalloid stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £90.00
List Price: £295.00
You Save: £205.00 (69%)
A rarely offered and fabulous large fully double flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £95.00
List Price: £195.00
You Save: £100.00 (51%)
A fully double blue flower above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £95.00
List Price: £480.00
You Save: £385.00 (80%)
A double rich purple and white with perfectly layered inner petals.
Price: £110.00
List Price: £245.00
You Save: £135.00 (55%)
A single pink with a central ruff of green petaloid stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £125.00
List Price: £320.00
You Save: £195.00 (61%)
A single rich pink flower with a central ruff of petalloid stamens.
Price: £150.00
List Price: £630.00
You Save: £480.00 (76%)
A large fully double blue and green flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £150.00
List Price: £395.00
You Save: £245.00 (62%)
A rarely offered and fabulous large fully double flowered form above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £160.00
List Price: £390.00
You Save: £230.00 (59%)
This fabulous hybrid is a single lavender-blue flowered form but with a central ruff of smaller petaloid stamens which are reddish-violet.
Price: £165.00
List Price: £580.00
You Save: £415.00 (72%)
A single rich pink flower with a central ruff of red petaloid stamens.
Price: £165.00
List Price: £380.00
You Save: £215.00 (57%)
A single mid pink and white flower with a central boss of flattened green petalloid stamens.
Price: £165.00
List Price: £220.00
You Save: £55.00 (25%)
A strong single pink single flower with petaloid stamens above typical tri-lobed foliage.
Price: £210.00
List Price: £390.00
You Save: £180.00 (46%)
A fully double white with inner green petals making a very striking contrast.
Price: £225.00
List Price: £680.00
You Save: £455.00 (67%)
A fully double pale pink flower with green shading to the inner petals.
Price: £410.00
List Price: £650.00
You Save: £240.00 (37%)
A single rich pink flower with a central ruff of green petalloid stamens.
Price: £435.00
A single flowered form with typical tri-lobed foliage.